Saturday, January 15, 2011


As a young boy I found myself always looking forward to playing with my friends.
Always exploring our neighbourhood for pieces of the lost world.
As time went by I did lose that world.
I am amazed at how a young child can find the universe in their play time.
I am so happy to have had those moments.

A few years ago I found that world again, through playing with my boys.
They always seem to find adventure in all they do.
As we spend time by the river I watch them explore and play.
They transition from the everyday to wherever their imagination takes them.

I too feel the draw of the river.

This world opens up for me every time I spend time with my boys; wade into a river fly fishing or when I stand in front of a canvas painting.

I guess I never lost it, just forgot how to get there.
Thanks to my boys, they showed me the way back.