I had the pleasure of spending time with a gentleman who seemed to have had similar life experiences.
As we sat and talked over a cup of tea, we walked though our memories.
One that stood out for me was a time in Waterhen, found in northern Saskatchewan.
I was invited to fast for my first time with Rose and her group.
I had never done this before and was nervous about going for 4 days and nights without food or water.
This was to give thanks for all that had happened during the past six months.
Good or bad, we still were here to be grateful.
This image, "Morning Prayers", is one that captures a moment in the closing of the 4 day ceremony.
Those that gathered were so silent, what I thought was a direct response to being on their own for the last 4 days fasting and praying.
I remember the sky being almost blood red, turning into a soft pink glow.
The pipe on the buffalo's skull, the sweet grass, the sights, and lack of the human voice. The silence surrounding those working with their sacred bundles had such an impact on me.
In my life, I have found so many ways of distraction that never amount to anything, yet those moments of silence still impact me to this very moment.