A year ago my sister's home burnt down.
She was out at a friend's BBQ.
When she came home to find all her home engulfed in flames, all she could think about was who got out and where are they now.
I received the phone call late that night, hearing her on the other end of the phone was both shattering and a blessing.
It is amazing what can happen in one's life.
Now I know I've heard of others going through something similar to this and they speak of how the community comes around them to support and rebuild their lives.
It is another thing to see it happen to your own family.
I am to this day overwhelmed by the outpouring of support the community gave to my sister. She is blessed to have such a group around her.
There was particular person who assisted her, one that inspired me to paint.
I will Blog about her and the painting that she received next.
I approached this person and offered to do a commission for her to say thank you for all she had done for my sister.
After a little time to think, she decided to have a polar bear with her cub as a painting.
This was so connected, a year before the fire I had painted a polar bear and her cub for my sister as a present. This was lost in the fire.
The fact that this woman wanted this as a painting made such a connection between us all, without her knowing.
The painting "Blessed in many ways" shows the Mother protecting the cub, sheltering it from the storm. Much like the community did for my sister, surrounding her with the love and warmth of the mother polar bear. My sister now owns this painting which is connected to the commission of "Guardian"
I know my sister was blessed to have the community help her get back on her feet, but I am blessed to still have my sister.